Бразильская государственная компания Petrobras.
Одна из из крупнейших добывающих нефть и газ компаний в мире.
Направления деятельности:
- разведка и добыча,
- переработка нефти и газа,
- генерация электроэнергии,
- маркетинг.
Есть опыт разведки и добычи в глубоководных и сверхглубоких водах в бразильских шельфовых нефтегазоносных бассейнах.
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras operates in the oil, natural gas, and energy industries.
The company was founded in 1953.
The company’s Exploration and Production segment engages in the exploration, development, and production of crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas; and sale of surplus crude oil and oil products produced in the natural gas processing plants to the domestic and international markets.
Its Refining, Transportation and Marketing segment is involved in:
- refining, logistics, transport, and trading of crude oil and oil products;
- exportation of ethanol;
- extraction and processing of shale,
- holding interests in petrochemical companies.
The company’s Gas and Power segment:
- the transportation and trading of natural gas and liquid natural gas;
- importation of natural gas;
- generation and trading of electricity;
- holding interests in transportation and distribution of natural gas,
- thermoelectric power plants;
- fertilizer business.
Its Biofuels segment:
- the production of biodiesel and its co-products,
- the equity investment, production, and trading of ethanol, sugar,
- electric power generated from sugarcane bagasse.
The company’s Distribution segment sells oil products, ethanol, and vehicle natural gas in Brazil, as well as distributes oil products in South America.